BELANGRIJK: Deze cursus wordt voornamelijk in het Engels gegeven, met de mogelijkheid tot vertaling indien nodig voor verduidelijking.
What to expect
In this course, you'll gain hands-on experience in cupping techniques aimed at facilitating emotional release. Emphasizing intuitive touch and palpation skills, you'll learn to identify optimal areas for cup placement based on physical cues rather than strictly following traditional meridian lines. Additionally, we'll explore the interplay between fascial lines and meridians, providing a holistic understanding that integrates both anatomical and energetic perspectives.
Course Structure
Introduction: Explore the emotional benefits of cupping and the importance of intuition in practice.
Cupping Basics: Learn tools, safety, and preparation techniques.
Body Awareness: Develop fine-touch and palpation skills to feel areas of tension and release.
Theory Overview: Understand the connection between fascial lines and meridians.
Practical Techniques: Master dynamic and stationary cupping for emotional release. Give clients a full cupping treatment.
Integration: Combine cupping with breathwork and movement for deeper results. Integrating and adding cupping to existing modalities or offerings.
Client and Practitioner Care: Post-session guidance and self-care tips
Samantha offers a cupping therapy course that delves into the intersections of fascial lines, meridians, and emotional release, while prioritizing the development of intuitive touch. She teaches therapists to listen deeply to what the tissue is communicating, empowering them to move beyond predefined structures and approach the body as a dynamic, expressive playground for transformation.
For this course, it's essential to purchase a set of hard cupping cups before the start.
Here are some options:
1) Zengrowth Cupping
⇢ Or use this affiliate link to get 10euro discount on Zengrowth 10euro korting
2) Massagewebshop Cupping
Cancellation Policy
You can cancel your registration up to 2 weeks before the course starts. A cancellation fee of 30% will be charged, and the remaining amount will be credited to your studio account. Partial attendance or unreported absence from the training does not entitle you to a full or partial refund.
This course will proceed with a minimum of 6 participants.
- Meer informatie
Zaterdag 15/3 & zondag 16/3| 13uur - 17uur | €350
Begint 15 mrt
€350 eurosBeschikbaarheid laden...
Beschikbaarheid laden...
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Zaterdag 28/6 & zondag 29/6 | 13uur - 17uur | €350
Begint 28 jun
€350 eurosBeschikbaarheid laden...
Beschikbaarheid laden...
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